Alvarado Mendoza, Arturo

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Teléfono: +(52) 55 5449 3000
Extensión: 3084

Líneas de investigación: Derechos humanos -- Cultura política de los jóvenes en México -- Violencia juvenil -- Gobernanza democrática y participación

Profile (English)

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Ph. D. in Sociology, El Colegio de México 1988. Professor-Researcher Centro de Estudios Sociológicos, Center for Sociological Studies, CES. El Colegio de Mexico. He also holds a Mid-Career Fellowship from the Special Program of Urban and Regional Studies, SPURS-DUSP, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Director of the Sociological Center, 2015-2018. 

His research expertise is on justice, human rights, security and urban democratic governance. Has conducted several investigations on violence prevention, crime, justice, urban governance and security in Latin America.

Has been a consultant for international organizations such as UN Women, Mexico; UNDP, UNDOC, and the World Bank. 

Recent research projects 

  • Urban Governance and Crime in Latin America, comparing São Paulo and Mexico City.
  • Juvenile justice in Latin America and Access to Justice. 
  • Mexico City, the making of a new constitution, participation, representation and governance. 
  • Educating and Empowering Citizens to Improve Security and the Rule of Law in Mexico City (funded by FACI Colmex & HIF Harvard).
  • Policing in Latin America.  

    Recent Projects funded by FACI-Colmex, Conacyt, México; Fapespe, Brasil; Harvard Innovation Fund & Fondo de Cooperación México-Uruguay. 

Academic appointments

Has been a visiting professor at the Paris Institute for Advanced Study, France (2021); at the Program on Latin America Studies at Princeton University in the United States (in 2019), as well as Visiting Researcher, from the University of São Paulo (USP/NEV), Brasil. (2019). Also, has been Directeurs d'Etudes Associés, of the Fondation Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, Paris, France, October - December 2018. Maitre de Conférences (Chair-Mexique), Institute de hautes études D'Amérique latine (IHEAL) Université Sorbonne Nouvelle 3 (2009); Cogut Visiting Professor at the Watson Institute at Brown University (2006). Visiting Scholar at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars (2004). And Member of SPURS at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the USA (2004). and Fulbright Fellow. 

Member of the International Sociological Association. Was chair of the research committee RC29 Deviance and Social Control, of the International Sociological Association, ISA. 2018-2023. He is also national representative at ISA Council of National Associations. Was founder and director of Democracia, Derechos Humanos y Seguridad, CSO. 

Research areas of interest

  • Justice and democracy
  • Human rights
  • Youth violence
  • Democratic governance and urban participation

Awards and distinctions 

  • National Researcher National System of Researchers, level III.
  • Medal of Merit Award, national category - Universidad Veracruzana, México, 2022. 
  • Juchimán Award, Universidad Juárez, Autónoma de Tabasco, México 2015.